We are excited to announce that Tucker Medical Centre is Ritual’s newest tie-up, allowing us to offer personalized health tests and reports to clients at a discounted price.

Dr. Stephen Tucker is an extremely knowledgeable physician, and we appreciate his holistic, functional approach to health very much.

We know it’s generally a good idea to keep your blood inside your body, but in the interest of science and health, occasionally you need to let a nice nurse remove some of it. Here’s how the program works.

Who: http://insidetracker.com

What: Personalized Biomarker Assessment

When: Whenever you want to bring your health to the next level

Where: Tucker Medical Centre

Why: Life should be lived happily and healthily


1)     Create an account at insidetracker.com

2)     Get your blood taken at Tucker Medical Centre

3)     Review your results and personalized nutrition recommendations online

The results will allow you to make informed decisions about what you put into your body

    • Learn which foods can impact which biomarkers


    • Discover new foods to incorporate into your diet


    • Receive individual nutrition information for each food


    • Find foods for your diet – vegan, paleo, gluten-free and more


From the Biomarkers tested, you will know what you lack in or what you have an excess of. The diet recommendations they give you might just be the fix to you not feeling like yourself recently. The lack of energy every morning might just be a lack in Vitamin B12 or Vitamin D, things we tend to neglect when we focus on training the body, but not treating the body.

Ritual members will get to take the first test at $269 (Regular Price $299). Further reduced rates apply for 2 and 4 tests respectively. For more information, please email community@tuckermedical.com.

So get to know what’s going on with that body you carry around every day. They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but the truth is the doctor is your friend.

-Be Brave!